Grid block#

New in version Volto: 17.0.0-alpha.10

Volto comes with a grid block. It builds upon the Container. It is a block that contains other blocks. The grid block uses a fixed horizontal layout with a configurable maximum number of blocks, with a default of four blocks.

The grid block can contain any block type. However, due to its horizontal alignment and narrow widths of the blocks it contains, the blocks might need additional styling. For this reason, only four blocks are included by default, namely slate (text), image, listing, and teaser.


The grid block has the following settings.


The headline is a heading that appears above the columns of the grid block.

Block configuration#

The grid block has the following configuration settings.


When you create a new grid block, it shows the user a list of choices with the initial contents that the block should have. By default, it allows the user to choose the number of blocks (columns) that the block will initially contain. You can customize the choices providing a function that generates the initial list of choices and the outcome of choosing one option or another. It has the following signature: (type) => (intl) => TemplateData[]. See the file src/components/manage/Blocks/Grid/template.jsx for more information.

type TemplateData = {
    image: Icon,
    id: string,
    title: string,
    blocksData: BlocksData,

type BlocksData = {
  blocks: {
    [key: string]: object;
  blocks_layout: {
    items: string[];

The maximum number of elements allowed inside the grid block. The default value is four elements.


Array of block types allowed in the grid block. This can be extended to include any of the registered blocks.


It allows you to customize the blocks configuration available for the inner blocks. You have to pass the whole existing Volto blocksConfig of the main configuration, then modify it given your needs, and pass it down. You could add different variations, schemaEnhancers, and so on. You could remove them as well, but only for blocks inside the grid block.

config.blocks.blocksConfig.gridBlock.gridAllowedBlocks: ['teaser', 'image', 'slate'];
config.blocks.blocksConfig.gridBlock.blocksConfig: {
  // You can customize the blocks inside the grid like this:
  teaser: {
    variations: [
        id: 'default',
        isDefault: true,
        title: 'Default',
        template: DefaultBody,
        id: 'variation2',
        title: 'variation #2',
        template: DefaultBody2,

Block image styling customization#

By default, the images inside a grid block are using a 16/9 aspect ratio. It is configurable by setting a LESS variable, @grid-images-aspect-ratio, or setting a CSS property somewhere in your project, --grid-images-aspect-ratio. There is another setting for the object-position CSS definition, @grid-images-object-position, and its corresponding --grid-images-object-position.

If you want to disable a default setting, then set its value to unset.

Style wrapper properties#

The Grid block supports the block styling wrapper but does not provide any property by default.

The styling wrapper properties can be added or extended using the Block style wrapper.


The Grid block supports variations, but does not have any by default. Variations can be added or extended using Block variations.

Data adapter#

The Grid block has a data adapter function that allows you to both tap into the changes in the settings and issue changes in other settings fields. This is valuable in the Teaser Block because it saves an internal cache of the target element. If you select the target, these values are updated. When you update the target, by default these values remain, but you can issue another behavior.

The data adapter function is defined in the block's setting dataAdapter. You can override it and add your own function, if required. The following is the default adapter. You should stick to this signature in your custom adapters.

import { isEmpty } from 'lodash';

export const GridBlockDataAdapter = ({
}) => {
  let dataSaved = {,
    [id]: value,
  if (id === 'href' && !isEmpty(value) && !data.title && !data.description) {
    dataSaved = {
      title: value[0].Title,
      description: value[0].Description,
      head_title: value[0].head_title,
  onChangeBlock(block, dataSaved);

Migration from @kitconcept/volto-blocks-grid#

The grid block was added to Volto in version 17.0.0-alpha.10. It is based on the @kitconcept/volto-blocks-grid add-on version 7.x.x.

The Volto core grid uses the Volto internals default blocks-in-block architecture. This differs from the grid block data structure in the add-on @kitconcept/volto-blocks-grid. Because of this difference, they are not compatible, and a data migration is necessary from the add-on to the Volto grid block.

However, the Volto core grid block uses a different internal name, gridBlock, so both blocks can coexist at the same time. Nonetheless, it is recommended to enable only one grid block type for your users, and eventually use a single version to avoid unexpected behaviors and bugs.